The conformation of a global publishing field: the new scenario for the circulation of ideas and its impact in the local market


  • Daniela Páez Universidad Nacional de Quilmes



This article will set focus on analyzing the conditions of book circulation, and therefore of ideas, in the global publishing field, a space composed by multiple actors with unequal capacities for action and influence within the system.  It will also emphasize how this transnational dimension had a direct impact on the Argentinean market, a sector highly concentrated in a handful of multinational publishing groups. In this sense, it is necessary to characterize this phenomenon as a characteristic of a scenario that exceeds national boundaries and which is framed by the constitution - and constant reconfiguration – of the global space.


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Author Biography

Daniela Páez, Universidad Nacional de Quilmes

Es Licenciada en Comunicación por la Universidad Nacional de Quilmes y se encuentra cursando la Maestría en Industrias Culturales, Políticas y Gestión, de la misma casa. Ha trabajado en el área de la producción audiovisual y como periodista en diversos medios gráficos y digitales. En los últimos años, se ha formado en estudios del libro y la edición, temas de investigación de su estadía en el posgrado.



How to Cite

Páez, D. (2017). The conformation of a global publishing field: the new scenario for the circulation of ideas and its impact in the local market. Divulgatio. Academic Postgraduate Profiles, 2(04), 104–119.


