Contributions of feminist theory to (re) think about the state


  • Romina Amaya Guerrero Universidad Nacional de Quilmes



The present work consists in contributing some keys of the feminist debates that contribute to enrich the discussions about the state. The proposed articulation has an axis in the contributions of feminism in dialogue with Marxism, from the sixties and seventies and, especially, the works framed in what was called the debate on domestic work and complemented by contributions from the critical analysis of the theory of the derivation of the state.

In the work, the manifestations of gender relations are observed from the relation of the state and the market in the form of the neoconservative state of Argentina of the nineties and the breaks and continuities starting from the metamorphosis phase of the state initiated to from the 2001 insurrection.



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Author Biography

Romina Amaya Guerrero, Universidad Nacional de Quilmes

Es Magíster en Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades con mención en Economía por la Universidad Nacional de Quilmes (UNQ), donde actualmente cursa el Doctorado en Desarrollo Económico. Investiga temas de economía feminista, especialmente la economía del cuidado. En la UNQ es Profesora Ordinaria de distintas materias del Departamento de Economía y Administración; y se desempeña como investigadora en el Proyecto de Investigación en Temas de Vacancia (PITVA) “Economía del cuidado. Un análisis desde las políticas y la economía social y solidaria.” Forma parte del Proyecto de Extensión Universitaria “No me callo nada: Capacitación en derechos de las mujeres”.



How to Cite

Amaya Guerrero, R. (2018). Contributions of feminist theory to (re) think about the state. Divulgatio. Academic Postgraduate Profiles, 2(06), 86–102.


