Becoming democratic in front of the control society


  • Darío Damián Peralta Universidad Nacional de General Sarmiento



The present article makes a reflection on the possibility of thinking to the political philosophy of Gilles Deleuze and its relation with the democracy. The concept of becoming-democratic is defended as an effective tool to sustain a philosophical criticism and a political militancy in front of the capitalist system, and its most current expression, the control society. First, a critical analysis is made of two authors (PhillipeMengue and Paul Patton) who examine the limits and principles of a democratic politics in Deleuze. Then, an understanding of democracy is promoted from three Deleuzian concepts. Democracy is understood as a rhizome, as a revolutionary and minority becoming, and as a war machine.


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Author Biography

Darío Damián Peralta, Universidad Nacional de General Sarmiento

Es Profesor universitario en Filosofía y en Historia en la Universidad Nacional de General Sarmiento (UNGS). Actualmente, se halla finalizando la Maestría en Filosofía social y Política de la Universidad Nacional de Quilmes. Es Docente en el Instituto Superior de Formación Docente y Técnica N° 42 Leopoldo Marechal, en la cátedra de Perspectiva Filosófica pedagógica I, del profesorado en Geografía. Entre sus trabajos divulgados se encuentran: “La máquina política kafkiana”, “Univocidad inmanente del Ser contra la trascendencia de los Uno”.



How to Cite

Peralta, D. D. (2017). Becoming democratic in front of the control society. Divulgatio. Academic Postgraduate Profiles, 2(04), 26–48.


