Wool and politics. The productive structure and State´s role for the Chubut´s sheep complex in XXI century.


  • Diego Taraborrelli Universidad Nacional de Quilmes




Chubut´s wool activity was consolidated in parallel with the formation of the Argentine national state. In this research, through the reading of secondary sources, interviews with qualified informants and official documents, the role of the State and interest group's are analyzed in the definition of public policies that legitimize the historical asymmetric structure of the sheep complex of the province.


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Author Biography

Diego Taraborrelli, Universidad Nacional de Quilmes

Investigador del Centro de Investigación en Economía y Prospectiva (CIEP) y Coordinador de la Plataforma de Contribución para la Formulación y Gestión de Políticas Públicas del Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA). Es doctorando en Desarrollo Económico por la Universidad Nacional de Quilmes y Licenciado en Estudios Políticos por la Universidad Nacional de General Sarmiento.



How to Cite

Taraborrelli, D. (2021). Wool and politics. The productive structure and State´s role for the Chubut´s sheep complex in XXI century. Divulgatio. Academic Postgraduate Profiles, 5(15), 118–137. https://doi.org/10.48160/25913530di15.168



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