Solidarity finances with others


  • Alejandro Rogelio Carrizo Universidad Nacional de Chilecito



In neoliberal times, societies are presenting dissociations, groupings that, in geral, can be recognized in those that can still compete formarket gains, and others, those that did not qualify. Those who are in the midst of the crisis, who remained outside the system, at the same time are tied to a territory, are unable to leave the geographical territory where the crises of economic systems are installed. This migratory immobility generates in these people a vital force, a forced persistence that accepts the challenge of facing the crisis that expels them as beneficiaries of rights. If the Social and Solidarity Economy represents another economics way, it could be said that the study of these vital forces that be come strategies for the reproduction of life are at the center of their scientific work. Thus, if this other economy is a conceptually differentbet in the definition and resolution of economic problems, it is appropriate to think that it is necessary to adapt the ways of using money and, in general, of all the activities that make the flow of in come and expenses monetary experiences. The question is for the reasons to generated Solidarity Finance, by the powers, the individualities and the social bonds that are built where there is mostly exclusion and crisis. The conceptual contributions of the Economy and Solidarity Finance are the basis to pose the question if our society is founding another way of economics things, if there is hope that solidarity and ethics can demystify the tale of success ful neoliberal individualism. The objective of this paper is to reflecton the ways in which, from the periphery and exclusion, the individual breaks theisolation and generates socio-economicties that resist the crisis, but that at the same time deploys a series of strategies to finance their activities economic and is constituted in the possibility of building other alternatives for the reproduction of life.


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Author Biography

Alejandro Rogelio Carrizo, Universidad Nacional de Chilecito

Es Contador Público Nacional por la Universidad Nacional de Tucumán. Magister en Economía y Negocios por la Universidad Nacional de San Luis, Especialista en Docencia Universitaria por la Universidad Nacional de San Juan, Especialista en Educación y Nuevas Tecnologías por FLACSO Argentina, Especialista en Gestión Educativa por FLACSO Argentina. Es doctorando en instancia de tesis final del Doctorado en Euducación en la Universidad Católica de Cuyo y del Doctorado en Agronomia en la Universidade Estadual de Londrina (Brasil). Es profesor Asociado Efectivo en la Universidad Nacional de Chilecito (La Rioja), profesor de la Maestria en Enseñanza en Escenarios Digitales en la Universidad Nacional de la Patagonia Austral (Santa Cruz). Tambien es Investigador Categoria III del Ministerio de Educación de la Nación, miembro del Centro de Estudios Científicos y Técnicos de la FACPCE.



How to Cite

Carrizo, A. R. (2019). Solidarity finances with others. Divulgatio. Academic Postgraduate Profiles, 3(09), 121–133.



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