Cognitive capitalism and international division of labor. Advances of the Open Access movement and repercussions in Argentina.


  • Mariana Cuello Universidad Nacional de Quilmes



The emergence of cognitive capitalism and ICTs has redefined the rules of the game for the international division of labor, where knowledge becomes key factors for nations to maintain positions in the international economy. Against this, the central countries seek to safeguard their knowledge in a so-called process of commodification. In recent years however, the dynamics of computer technologies, the web and internet, have led to processes of socialization of knowledge. Linked to this, there has also been created an Open Access movement, which seeks to promote free and open access to knowledge. In the periphery and in Argentina in particular, this movement guided the creation of institutional repositories to carry out these purposes. The advance of these resources as possibilities to improve the conditions of the periphery in general and Argentina in particular, make up the focus of discussion of this work.


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Author Biography

Mariana Cuello, Universidad Nacional de Quilmes

Doctora en Ciencias Sociales y Licenciada en Comercio Internacional por la Universidad Nacional de Quilmes (UNQ). Con estudios posdoctorales en Ciencias Sociales por el Centro de Estudios Avanzados, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba (UNC). Docente adjunto del Departamento de Economía y Administración (UNQ) e investigadora del proyecto de I+D “La competitividad en Argentina. Caracterización de los factores de competitividad”. Estudia el cambio tecnológico, la competitividad, y la propiedad intelectual en los países en desarrollo y en Argentina en particular.



How to Cite

Cuello, M. (2019). Cognitive capitalism and international division of labor. Advances of the Open Access movement and repercussions in Argentina. Divulgatio. Academic Postgraduate Profiles, 3(09), 53–74.


