Communication in medical education: fields involved and pending debates


  • María Valeria Albardonedo Universidad Nacional del Comahue



The present work approaches the itineraries and specific problems of three fields that are knotted in a topic of growing interest for the academic formation of medical professionals; the inclusion of communication as curricular content. In the implications of such inclusion, political-epistemological debates that gravitate to the confluence of the field of communication and health, medical education and higher education are brought into play.

The aim is to present and problematize the topic based on the constituent aspects and the most current and urgent discussions of the three mentioned fields. The relevance given to these aspects and discussions aims to clarify premises for the inclusion of communication in medical training. Premises that, mainly, promote the systematic review of what has been developed up to now and call for the need to include the topic from a social demand that is revealed both in the links between professionals and users and in the extended relationship between medicine, health and society: the public dispute of the hegemonic medical model.


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Author Biography

María Valeria Albardonedo, Universidad Nacional del Comahue

Es Licenciada en Ciencias de la Comunicación por la Universidad de Buenos Aires y Master en Ciencias Sociales con mención en Investigación y Evaluación educativa por la Universidad Nacional de Quilmes. Actualmente se desempeña como docente en la Universidad Nacional del Comahue en las carreras de Medicina, Comunicación Social y Enfermería. Investiga sobre  la relación comunicación- salud y educación médica. Integra proyectos de investigación interdisciplinarios desde los que aborda problemáticas concernientes a la formación médica, las políticas públicas y los discursos sociales.  Dirige proyectos de Extensión sobre Consejerías de Salud Sexual y reproductiva como dispositivo de formación y praxis. Es ponente en Congresos Nacionales e Internacionales. Ha publicado artículos y capítulos de libros sobre los ejes de investigación citados. 



How to Cite

Albardonedo, M. V. (2018). Communication in medical education: fields involved and pending debates. Divulgatio. Academic Postgraduate Profiles, 3(07), 134–151.


