Patriarchy and Masculinities. Deconstruction as a task of reconstruction of a social order


  • Aldo Sebastián Vergara Duveaux Universidad Nacional de Córdoba



The struggle of the feminist movements questions something more than the privileges that the patriarchal system imposes on the hegemonic sex-generic identity of cis-heterosexual masculinity: it questions the very bases on which the social order as a whole is based and built. For this reason, the rejection of the movement and its demands often comes not only from privileged men but also from women themselves and from other subjugated gender-generic identities. The moral violence that shapes the social structure as a whole is building a hegemonic model of masculinity that reduces feminisms and their struggles, to an attack on the subjectivity of men, which entails a feeling of disorientation and stupefaction in those who are located in this dominant gender identity when not finding another way of being male in this current social order. Because of this, we propose to identify the possibilities of radical transformation of the social order as a whole that enables the feminist struggle and the roles, challenges and responsibilities of the dominant gender identities in this process.


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Author Biography

Aldo Sebastián Vergara Duveaux, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba

Es Abogado por la Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Diplomado en Derechos Económicos, Sociales y Culturales por la Universidad Nacional de Catamarca y Maestrando en Ciencias Sociales por la Universidad Nacional de Quilmes y Doctorando en Humanidades por la Universidad Nacional de Catamarca. Actualmente me desempeño como docente de nivel terciario y como abogado litigante en causas de DDHH. Integrante del Equipo de investigación de Ecología Política Centro de Investigaciones y Transferencias de Catamarca-Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas.



How to Cite

Vergara Duveaux, A. S. (2018). Patriarchy and Masculinities. Deconstruction as a task of reconstruction of a social order. Divulgatio. Academic Postgraduate Profiles, 3(07), 80–94.


