Tourism for the elderly. The case of Victoria, Entre Ríos, Argentina


  • Valeria Gala Universidad Nacional de Quilmes



This article aims to define, from their own voice, experience and tourist imaginary, the profile of the senior tourist and propose adjustments to the tourist supply of Victoria, Entre Ríos. Their voice as active subjects who build their own leisure time.The analysis of the bibliography shows that there is a loop on the subject, which is why its study is of interest for the tourism industry. For the collection of the voices a semi-directed survey was applied, followed by informal conversations where the tourism imaginary and the perceptions of the elderly in terms of the city's tourist offer was furthered studied. From this, a series of changes are proposed for the local tourist offer in order to loyalize the segment.


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Author Biography

Valeria Gala, Universidad Nacional de Quilmes

Es Licenciada en Administración Hotelera y Magíster en Desarrollo y Gestión del turismo con orientación en Destinos turísticos por la Universidad Nacional de Quilmes (UNQ). Actualmente, se desempeña como docente de la UNQ en las asignaturas Gestión de Operaciones y Servicios Gastronómicos y Gestión de Abastecimientos en Empresas Hoteleras. Adicionalmente, ocupa cargos de gestión como Jefa del Departamento de Capacitación y Formación en la Secretaría de Extensión de la misma Universidad.



How to Cite

Gala, V. (2018). Tourism for the elderly. The case of Victoria, Entre Ríos, Argentina. Divulgatio. Academic Postgraduate Profiles, 2(06), 16–33.


