Tourism and Disability. A regulatory framework with inclusion?


  • María Claudia Mazza Universidad Nacional de Quilmes



This work integrates research projects on vacancy issues (call of PITVA 2017) and projects of the Research Department of the National University of Quilmes (period 2017-2019). Its purpose is to contribute to the reflection on the legal-institutional framework in force in tourism, understood as an instrument comprised by laws and regulations in its relationship with jurisprudence-customs-doctrine. And as the support to public policies, on the need for full social inclusion of people with disabilities, consistent with the principles of equality of opportunity and non-discrimination. On this relationship, we have taken as analytical elements: national laws and international treaties as an essential contribution for the development of public policies and projects that stimulate development based on the paradigm of sustainability.


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Author Biography

María Claudia Mazza, Universidad Nacional de Quilmes

Es Licenciada en Demografía y Turismo por la Universidad John F. Kennedy y Especialista en Docencia en Entornos Virtuales por la Universidad Nacional de Quilmes (UNQ). Actualmente se desempeña  como docente-investigadora de la UNQ y trabaja en temas relacionados con el turismo y la discapacidad. Se especializó en temas relacionados con la gestión y el ordenamiento territorial.



How to Cite

Mazza, M. C. (2018). Tourism and Disability. A regulatory framework with inclusion?. Divulgatio. Academic Postgraduate Profiles, 2(06), 1–15.


