The experiences of practicing students in a Higher Teacher Training Institute in the province of La Pampa, Argentina.


  • Griselda Rosana Beatriz Conde Universidad Nacional de Quilmes



experiences, practicum students, initial teacher education


The objective of this article is to identify how the internship experiences are carried out by the students of the Initial Education Teachers at a Higher Teacher Training Institute in the province of La Pampa, Argentina; evidencing nodal aspects and challenges that arise when carrying out work on the ground.                                                                               First, the importance of the field of training of professional practices training in initial teacher education is addressed, providing a brief national and jurisdictional context. Secondly, reference is made to the experiences carried out by the practicum students in the settings of the Initial Level classrooms and the challenges that arise in field work. These experiences are located in a research work carried out from a qualitative approach. and according to the analysis of the data collection instruments applied to the selected sample, 3rd and 4th year practicing students of Initial Education Teachers during the 2020-2021 period. This involves collaborative work between professors in the field of practices of the Higher Teacher Training Institutes and co-training professors from partner institutions. The conclusions constitute a valuable input to debate in initial teacher training as they account for the relevance of the field of practices; which is not free of tensions and challenges in the construction of the exercise of the future professional role. These contributions are considered relevant to establish priorities on the agenda of jurisdictional and national educational policies.


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Author Biography

Griselda Rosana Beatriz Conde, Universidad Nacional de Quilmes

Magíster en Educación por la Universidad Nacional de Quilmes. Profesora y Licenciada en Ciencias de la Educación de la Universidad Nacional de La Pampa. Especialista en Gestión de Políticas Sociales, Universidad Nacional de La Pampa. Diplomado Superior en Ciencias Sociales con mención en Gestión de las Instituciones Educativas (FLACSO) Curso de Posgrado: “Escuela Secundaria y Políticas de Cuidado. Interfaces entre Educación y Salud” (FLACSO).  Investigadora (Universidad Nacional de Quilmes). Docente en Institutos Superiores de Formación Docente (Santa Rosa, La Pampa).



How to Cite

Conde, G. R. B. . (2024). The experiences of practicing students in a Higher Teacher Training Institute in the province of La Pampa, Argentina. Divulgatio. Academic Postgraduate Profiles, 9(25), 81–101.


