Violence does not prescribe. Regarding the claim for the violation of the human rights of survivors of trafficking and sexual exploitation to the Argentine State


  • María Betania Longhi Universidad Nacional de Quilmes



sexual exploitation, human trafficking, institutional violence, political philosophy


Starting from the analysis of a project of reparation and acknowledgment of survivors of prostitution, sexual exploitation and human trafficking as victims of institutional violence presented by the Argentine Association of Women for Human Rights (AMADH, by its acronym in Spanish) to the Argentine national state, some reasons will be established regarding why it can be stated that international doctrine and the commitments assumed by Argentina abroad allow the viability of this claim to be recognized. Finally, an interpretation will be tested from the Beitzian philosophical-political conception, so that the petition presented can be understood as an action based on the defense and reparation of violated human rights.


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Author Biography

María Betania Longhi , Universidad Nacional de Quilmes

Licenciada en filosofía (UBA), diplomada en estudios de género, movimiento de mujeres y política en América Latina (UBA-PLED) y en filosofía de la liberación (USI), maestranda en filosofía social y política (UNQ) y trabajadora estatal del Instituto Nacional contra la Discriminación, la Xenofobia y el Racismo (INADI) desde 2014 a la fecha.



How to Cite

Longhi , M. B. . (2023). Violence does not prescribe. Regarding the claim for the violation of the human rights of survivors of trafficking and sexual exploitation to the Argentine State. Divulgatio. Academic Postgraduate Profiles, 8(22), 200–212.



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