The Malvinas War. The narrative between history and memory


  • Carolina Gabriela Molina Universidad Nacional de Quilmes



War of Malvinas, History, Memory


The Malvinas War of 1982 remains in the collective memory of Argentine society. For Hartog (2011), collective memories and personal testimonies constitute part of the raw material of historical analysis, but it cannot be only memory, since the ways of thinking and understanding the past are invariably linked to various situations. This work aims to describe aspects of historical knowledge linked to the multiple and complex relationship between history and memory based on the narrative production of the Malvinas War, recognizing the polyphony of voices that sedimented the various visions. In these elaborations the concept of historical culture was reflected a notion that is mediated by historical consciousness, that consciousness that has the present of the past sliding between the space of experience and the horizon of expectation, exposing the social agents that create it, the means by which they are disseminated and the representations that are disseminated. It is inferred from this work that narrative has been a mediator between history and memory, between the historiographical current that exposed the history of the powerful, and the memory of the forgotten, the dominated.


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How to Cite

Molina, C. G. . (2023). The Malvinas War. The narrative between history and memory. Divulgatio. Academic Postgraduate Profiles, 8(22), 237–250.



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