Alternative Measures to the Deprivation of Liberty: progress and tensions in the institutionalization process


  • Paula Cecilia Vera Universidad del Aconcagua



alternative measures, juvenile criminal process, criminal intervention


This paper analyzes the main tensions that emerge when contrasting the institutionalization process of the Directorate of Alternative Measures to the Deprivation of Liberty of the Province of Mendoza and the daily evolution of its practices from 2015 to 2018. This adaptation of the institutional work to normative instruments that modulate the evolution of the juvenile criminal device has had, in the history of Alternative Measures in the Province of Mendoza, different moments of progress that reflected the operation of a juvenile criminal program adhered to the protection of the rights of adolescents in criminal proceedings and disputes over the materiality of the practices. The objective is to analyze and reflect on the existing vanishing points between the practices and the institution, to inquire about those moments in which it seems that the work becomes autonomous from the institution that originated it.


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Author Biography

Paula Cecilia Vera, Universidad del Aconcagua

Paula Cecilia Vera. Licenciada en Minoridad y Familia de la Universidad del Aconcagua, Provincia de Mendoza, Argentina. Se encuentra realizando la Especialización en Criminología en la Universidad Nacional de Quilmes y la Maestría en Políticas Públicas con Desarrollo en Facultad Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales (FLACSO), Argentina. Actualmente se desempeña como Docente investigadora, titular en la Cátedra de Protección de Derechos y Políticas Sociales; en la Cátedra de Desarrollo Organizacional; y en la cátedra de Prácticas Profesionales Supervisadas de la Facultad de Psicología de la Universidad del Aconcagua. Se orienta al estudio de políticas penales dirigidas a la población juvenil, principalmente de los dispositivos penales juveniles en medio abierto.  



How to Cite

Vera, P. C. (2023). Alternative Measures to the Deprivation of Liberty: progress and tensions in the institutionalization process. Divulgatio. Academic Postgraduate Profiles, 8(22), 213–226.



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