Of producers, consumers and mediators: Theanthropologicaldevelopment of a territorial market of vegetables in north AMBA


  • Daniel Alejandro García Universidad Nacional de Quilmes




In this article, I intend to describe howal ternative economic processes arise and are organized in a context of return to savage capitalism. With the arrival of neo-liberal governments and their policies throughout the continent, a negative evolution of the distribution of income is observed in relation to the process of distributive justice inaugurated in the previous decade in Latin America. That is the context which develops the experience to be specified. Such a description will be articulated with some theoretical discussion sabout the market, consumption and economic organization, in social and anthropological terms.

I argue that the economic process of which I will give account, a Territorial Market for Family Agriculture in the northerncordon of the Metropolitan Area of Buenos Aires (AMBA), still incipient in its development, refers to another emerging historical instance, a "viable unpublished" (Freire, 1998), framed in the principles of Social and Solidarity Economy. In order to implement this Territorial Market for the Distribution of Vegetables in the agroecological transition. Consumer nodes were organized since March 2016, taking the experience of the Territorial Market of the southernbelt of AMBA - CABA already developed by the National University of Quilmes (UNQ), in the frame work of the Alliance between the UNQ Market, Economy and Finance Incubator, the INTA AMBA - Campana Extension Agency and the Escobar Family Producers Cooperative.

In addition to establishing in this paper some relevant theoretical relations, I will address the empirical trajectory of this experience of the North in a first exploratory approach and its relation with symbolic and political aspects, from the participant observation and the interpretation of the productive, social, cultural and organizational changes that have taken place in the districts of Escobar, Pilar, José C. Paz, San Miguel, Malvinas Argentinas, Vicente López, San Fernando, San Isidro and Tigre.


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Author Biography

Daniel Alejandro García, Universidad Nacional de Quilmes

Es Licenciado en Psicología por la Universidad de Buenos Aires. Diplomado Superior en Antropología Social y Política y, Maestrando en Antropología social por la Facultad Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales (FLACSO). Docente de grado y posgrado, investigador, director de proyectos de extensión y miembro del Programa de Incubación Social en la Universidad Nacional de Quilmes en el Área de Economía Social y Solidaria. Investigador en el Proyecto Economía social y procesos educativos y de salud: algunos estudios de caso de cooperación social (UNQ). Ha publicado en libros y artículos de revistas especializadas sobre pedagogía crítica y economía social y solidaria.



How to Cite

García, D. A. (2017). Of producers, consumers and mediators: Theanthropologicaldevelopment of a territorial market of vegetables in north AMBA. Divulgatio. Academic Postgraduate Profiles, 1(03), 78–95. https://doi.org/10.48160/25913530di03.34


