We fuck too: sexual and reproductive rights in people with disabilities. A historical debt for recognition in Colombia


  • Jenny Vanessa Muñoz Moscoso Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia




Sexual and reproductive rights, diversity, disability and sexuality


This essay aims to reflect on the sexual and reproductive rights of people with disabilities, under the theoretical framework of the ideology of normality, which in conceptual terms contributes to the understanding of lack of recognition of sexuality, which is understood as a category that is found in the health plane but that is reduced to reproduction, in this sense, it also investigates the possibilities, contributions and contradictions that from gender studies and feminist theories have been presented as a measure of inclusion However, the historical debt that as a society we have evaded to recognize and make visible other existence forms is necessary.


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Author Biography

Jenny Vanessa Muñoz Moscoso, Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia

Socióloga feminista, especialista en derechos humanos, estudios de género y pedagogía. Candidata a magíster en ciencias sociales orientación en sociología de la Universidad Nacional de Quilmes, educadora popular feminista de la organización Asamblea Popular de Mujeres Xuacha.



How to Cite

Muñoz Moscoso, J. V. . (2022). We fuck too: sexual and reproductive rights in people with disabilities. A historical debt for recognition in Colombia. Divulgatio. Academic Postgraduate Profiles, 7(19), 86–98. https://doi.org/10.48160/25913530di19.223



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