Influences of Modernity and Eurocentrism in Latin American education: a path towards decolonizing pedagogies




Eurocentrism - Modernity - Latin America - Decolonization – Decolonizing pedagogies - EPJA


Modernity was characterized by the ideals of the Enlightenment, whose features include rationalism, confidence in the power of reason, the dissemination of knowledge and faith in the progress of knowledge. Through the school experience, it was intended to endow individuals with rationality and train citizens tending to the homogeneity of the subjects. The modern enlightened project involved the development of hegemonic or Eurocentric epistemology based on the character and universal validity of European forms and models of knowledge, which was established in Latin America due to the prevailing colonialism. This article studies the influence of Eurocentrism in Latin America in relation to the educational field in the framework of colonial domination relations, decolonization processes and the emergence of decolonizing pedagogies as a way of overcoming hegemonic colonial impositions, focusing on popular education of youth and adults.


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Author Biography

Nuria Rocio Alvarez, Universidad Nacional de Quilmes

Doctoranda en Educación de Jóvenes y Adultos (UNDEC). Maestranda en Educación (UNQ) y en Tecnología Educativa (UAI). Abogada (IUPFA). Profesora en Disciplinas Industriales (UTN). Diplomada en Gestión de Proyectos y Políticas Públicas. Especialista en Innovación educativa Y Especialista en Educación y TIC. Bibliotecaria. Profesora de Nivel Primario y de Nivel Inicial.

Actualmente se desempeña como directora de una escuela primaria de jóvenes y adultos y como profesora y contenidista didactizadora en gestión educativa, desarrollo curricular y educación digital.



How to Cite

Alvarez, N. R. (2023). Influences of Modernity and Eurocentrism in Latin American education: a path towards decolonizing pedagogies. Divulgatio. Academic Postgraduate Profiles, 8(22), 42–61.


