Other Economy. First Meeting of the SSE in the 9th Commune. Experiences, Development and Proposals


  • Patricia Mónica Oillataguerre Universidad Nacional de Quilmes




This work includes the description and analysis of the development and proposals of the First Social and Solidarity Economy (ESS) Meeting of Commune 9 of the City of Buenos Aires. The event was held in November of 2019 at a Club in Liniers, at the southwest of the city. The present work has the format of a Field Work Report, in which research tools such as participant observation and a survey of the empirical trajectories of the SSE present at the meeting have been used. It is carried out with a conceptual approach based on theoretical developments typical of the SSE, with contributions from authors from disciplines related to it: fundamentally, the concepts of SSE, its challenges (Razeto, 2010) and dimensions (Pastore, 2010). The definition of local development and other related ones, such as territory and territorial networks, are also addressed.


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Author Biography

Patricia Mónica Oillataguerre, Universidad Nacional de Quilmes

Es Licenciada en Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades con mención en Historia, por la Universidad Nacional de Quilmes (UNQ), Operadora en Psicología Social (EPSISUR) y Especialista en Gestión de la Economía Social y Solidaria (EGESS) por la Universidad Nacional de Quilmes (UNQ), Actualmente se desempeña coordinando un espacio de Economía Social y Solidaria que comprende diversas manifestaciones de la ESS. Dicta talleres y brinda charlas sobre Economía Social y Solidaria en distintos ámbitos. Organiza Encuentros periódicos de ESS. Su línea de trabajo e investigaciones se centran en el estudio de las diversas trayectorias empíricas de la ESS y su vinculación en el territorio.




How to Cite

Oillataguerre, P. M. . (2022). Other Economy. First Meeting of the SSE in the 9th Commune. Experiences, Development and Proposals. Divulgatio. Academic Postgraduate Profiles, 6(18), 20–39. https://doi.org/10.48160/25913530di18.212


