Interaction between auditory and motor systems in sensorimotor synchronization


  • Leonardo Versaci Universidad Nacional de Quilmes
  • Rodrigo Laje Universidad Nacional de Quilmes



Sensorimotor synchronization is defined as the synchronization of rhythmic actions with external stimuli and occurs naturally in dancing or when we tap our fingers to the beat of music. It has been suggested that this phenomenon is possible because of the presence of particular neural links between both motor and auditory systems (audio-motor coupling), and that they do not occur, for example, between the motor and the visual systems (Zatorre et al., 2007). In this work, we provide evidence of the audio-motor coupling presence in a sensorimotor synchronization task, specifically in a finger tapping paradigm (synchronization of finger movements with external stimuli). We conducted a finger tapping experiment with an auditory metronome in which 44 musicians participated. We measured tapping force under two sensory feedback conditions (with and without additional auditory feedback) and under two attentional levels. The results show that the duration of the contact between the finger and the sensor is significantly shorter in conditions with additional auditory feedback, suggesting a capture effect of the auditory modality over the motor control; such results have been considered as a signature of the audio-motor coupling (Chen et al., 2006). On the other hand, the aforementioned results were shown to be independent of the attention level, which indicate that the audio-motor coupling could operate at a pre-attentional level.


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Author Biographies

Leonardo Versaci, Universidad Nacional de Quilmes

Doctor en Ciencia y Tecnología por la Universidad de Quilmes. Miembro del grupo de investigación Laboratorio de Dinámica Sensomotora (LDSM) dedicado al estudio del procesamiento del tiempo en humanos. Profesor universitario de Física, Universidad de Buenos Aires. Docente del área de Física de la Universidad Nacional de Quilmes.

Rodrigo Laje , Universidad Nacional de Quilmes

Doctor en Física de la UBA, Profesor en la Universidad Nacional de Quilmes e Investigador del CONICET en el área de neurociencias. Director del Laboratorio de Dinámica Sensomotora de la UNQ, un grupo de investigación teórico-experimental sobre el procesamiento del tiempo en el cerebro. Además de publicar trabajos científicos en revistas internacionales, es co-autor de un libro sobre la física del canto de aves (Springer), del Manual de Ciencias Naturales I de la serie "Fuera de Serie" (Edelvives) y ha publicado capítulos en otros libros tanto científicos como de divulgación. Es el actual presidente de Expedición Ciencia, una ONG sin fines de lucro dedicada a organizar campamentos científicos de inmersión y otras actividades para estudiantes y docentes.



How to Cite

Versaci, L., & Laje , R. . (2022). Interaction between auditory and motor systems in sensorimotor synchronization. Divulgatio. Academic Postgraduate Profiles, 6(17), 1–15.


