Are gender biases reproduced in current biotechnology learning? Study case: Classroom of “Protein recovery and purification” of the Bachelor of Biotechnology at Quilmes National University


  • María Laura Carbajal Universidad Nacional de Quilmes



The aim of this work is to make visible and diagnose to what extent the teachers and students of this subject maintain gender biased conceptions, assumptions and values. The hypothesis assumed it that there are gender biases in the sciences and that they are transmitted and perpetuated in scientific education. In goal to achieve it, written productions of two cohorts were analyzed it through qualitative discursive analysis. Then, it was proposed to analyze, by means of psychosocial dimensions, the written production of the students (in particular the reflections on the practice), in the search for beliefs and expectations.

In addition, the didactic material generated by the teachers, were also analyzed it from a gender perspective. It was focus on the point of view of language (sexed or inclusive) and on which model of science was transmitted it in semiotic representations. Finally, on student’s reflections on own practice, it seek to compare self-perceptions on academic performance. Based on the proposed qualitative analysis, gender biases were detected it at the “Protein Recovery and Purification” classroom of the UNQ biotechnology career, validating the proposed hypothesis. Therefore, different actions were proposed to promote gender equality through communication in the classroom.


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Author Biography

María Laura Carbajal, Universidad Nacional de Quilmes

Es Profesora en Disciplinas Industriales por la Universidad Tecnológica Nacional y Biotecnóloga, Diplomada en Enseñanza de las Ciencias en Carreras Científico-Tecnológicas y Doctora en Ciencias Básicas y Aplicadas por la Universidad Nacional de Quilmes. Investigadora Asistente del Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas (CONICET) en el Grupo de Investigación en Enseñanza de las Ciencias (GIECIEN), Instituto de Estudios Sociales de la Ciencia y la Tecnología (IESCT, UNQ). Integrante del Programa UNQ “Discursos, prácticas e instituciones educativas” dirigido por el Dr. R. Baquero y P.A. Scharagrodsky, en la línea “Ciencia, tecnología y educación” que tutela la Dra. Silvia Porro. Actualmente se especializa en la enseñanza de las ciencias exactas y naturales con perspectiva de género. Posee experiencia profesional como investigadora, analista, asesora técnica y como docente en Educación Superior en niveles de pregrado, grado y postgrado. Es integrante del colectivo feminista de trabajadoras en ciencia y tecnología “Mujeres en CyT” con participación activa en el proyecto de extensión “Ciencia en (De) Construcción”. Ha publicado artículos en revistas científicas con referato, libros, capítulos de libro, informes técnicos, entre otros.



How to Cite

Carbajal, M. L. (2021). Are gender biases reproduced in current biotechnology learning? Study case: Classroom of “Protein recovery and purification” of the Bachelor of Biotechnology at Quilmes National University. Divulgatio. Academic Postgraduate Profiles, 6(16), 47–77.


