Past and present of the agro-rural world of Formosa: a field of studies in conformation


  • Darío Agustín Machuca Universidad Nacional de Formosa



This article is dedicated to the construction of the field of agro-rural social studies in Formosa from the publication of a series of books on the subject in the last five years. Likewise, the main research lines of this deployment are mentioned, as well as its thematic vacancies and possible future developments. Its main object is the peasantry, however, the state agency and capitalized productions also receive considerable attention. Furthermore, the multiple facets of the dynamics between capitalism and the peasantry constitute the common denominator as a backdrop to the problems studied by this academic development.


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Author Biography

Darío Agustín Machuca, Universidad Nacional de Formosa

Es profesor en Historia por la Universidad Nacional de Formosa (UNaF), con estudios de posgrado en curso en la maestría en Historia de la Universidad Nacional de Tres de Febrero (UNTREF). Fue becario Estímulo a las Vocaciones Científicas por el Consejo Interuniversitario Nacional (BEVC-CIN). Actualmente se desempeña como pasante del Instituto de Investigaciones sobre Lenguaje, Sociedad y Territorio (INILSyT) de la UNaF.



How to Cite

Machuca, D. A. (2021). Past and present of the agro-rural world of Formosa: a field of studies in conformation. Divulgatio. Academic Postgraduate Profiles, 6(16), 191–205.



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