A state of the art on the didactics of economics in secondary school


  • Jorge Lo Cascio Univresidad de Buenos Aires


The work makes a state of the art on the didactics of economics at the secondary level focusing its attention on Argentina. The review shows that the most important advances in the field have been made in relation to the study of the economics curriculum in high school, placing at the center of the question the "what is taught". Most publications point out that neoclassical theory has a wide hegemony in the production of content, the validation of teaching purposes and the definition of learning objectives. As a result, "how it is taught" and "who teaches it" has been left in the background, reflecting the lack of research on teaching practices and teacher training. Finally, the essay outlines proposals for (re)thinking about the didactics of economics in high school.


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Author Biography

Jorge Lo Cascio, Univresidad de Buenos Aires

Licenciado en Economía egresado de la Universidad de Buenos Aires (UBA). Especialista en Docencia de Nivel Secundario (CITEP-UBA) y Magister en Educación (Universidad de Quilmes).  Se desempeña como docente en el Ciclo Básico Común de la Universidad de Buenos Aires y en escuelas secundarias de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires.



How to Cite

Lo Cascio, J. (2021). A state of the art on the didactics of economics in secondary school. Divulgatio. Academic Postgraduate Profiles, 6(16), 206–220. Retrieved from https://ojs.unq.edu.ar/index.php/divulgatio/article/view/163



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