Uruguay's road towards diversification of its electricity matrix - alliances, interpretations and controversies


  • Guillermo Jorge Universidad Nacional de General Sarmiento




This paper analyzes the path that Uruguay has taken since 2005 to diversify its electricity matrix and face the different crises and tensions that stressed its electricity system. Dependence on the international price of crude oil, exposure to short and long-term seasonality in hydropower production, disinvestment and lack of state participation prior to 2005 led to the proposal of a short, medium and long-term expansion policy with which Uruguay was able to position itself as a regional leader in alternative generation sources. We analyze in the theoretical framework of socio-technical systems the alliances that made this development possible and we analyze the controversies that were generated around the price of energy and the role of the state as guarantor of private investment through financial compensation mechanisms.


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Author Biography

Guillermo Jorge, Universidad Nacional de General Sarmiento

Es Licenciado y Doctor en Física por la Universidad de Buenos Aires, y Magíster en Ciencia, Tecnología y Sociedad por la Universidad Nacional de Quilmes. Es investigador del Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas de Argentina (CONICET) y de la Universidad Nacional General Sarmiento (Buenos Aires, Argentina), y profesor del Área de Física del Instituto de Ciencias de esta última. Tiene experiencia en investigación en física experimental de materiales sólidos, diseño de sensores, física de baja temperatura, física en campos magnéticos altos, propiedades termodinámicas y de transporte eléctrico en materiales, entre otras. También se enfoca en temáticas tecno-sociales, impacto ambiental y energías renovables.



How to Cite

Jorge, G. . (2021). Uruguay’s road towards diversification of its electricity matrix - alliances, interpretations and controversies. Divulgatio. Academic Postgraduate Profiles, 5(14), 27–51. https://doi.org/10.48160/25913530di14.158


