Coronavirus: the recommendation of the agendas


  • Giuliana Antonella Zocco Universidad Nacional de Quilmes



This study was carried out in the period between March 10th and 21st, 2020. An exploratory work was carried out, based on the Agenda Setting theory, through content analysis of the covers of the printed morning papers La Capital, from Santa Fe, El Tribuno, from Jujuy, La Voz, from Córdoba, La Opinion Austral, from Santa Cruz, La Nación and Página. This temporary cut includes the declaration of the pandemic as such by the World Health Organization (WHO) and the declaration in our country Mandatory Preventive Social Isolation (ASPO) decreed by DNU 297/2020. The working hypothesis maintains that this disruptive issue quickly gained relevance worldwide in the news treatment, which is why it will be considered a Critical Event and was positioned as one of the main topics of the agendas in the analyzed media regardless of the particularities of each one.


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Author Biography

Giuliana Antonella Zocco, Universidad Nacional de Quilmes

Es Licenciada en Comunicación Social por la Universidad Nacional de Quilmes y maestranda en Marketing Político por la Universidad del Salvador. Ha realizado diplomaturas en Comunicación Popular (Universidad de Buenos Aires) y Comunicación político sindical y gestión de las organizaciones (Universidad Nacional de 3 de Febrero). Actualmente es becaria tipo B en I+D del departamento de Ciencias Sociales. Trabaja Agenda Setting y Encuadre en el tratamiento noticioso de temas como delito, discurso político y derechos humanos.



How to Cite

Zocco, G. A. (2020). Coronavirus: the recommendation of the agendas. Divulgatio. Academic Postgraduate Profiles, 5(13), 232–245.



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