Democratic quality in Argentina. An analysis of how horizontal accountability impacts the lives of people with disabilities


  • Sergio Hernán Blogna Tistuzza University of Buenos Aires



Argentina has national public policies for the group with disabilities. In particular, we analyze the design and implementation of policies to guarantee physical accessibility in transportation and labor inclusion in the public sphere, through the 4% job quota for workers with disabilities. However, the mere implementation of these policies has not been sufficient to achieve the expected solutions. To achieve a real transformation requires the commitment of governments, the availability of resources assigned by Parliament and, also, the operation of control bodies, which are in charge of ensuring that policies are implemented correctly and rights are respected. In other words, from the perspective of the horizontal accountability of Guillermo O'Donnell, we inquire about the relationship between the difficulties of the implementation of public policies with the task of controlling executive branch agencies, the parliamentary control of the Legislature and the control of the fulfillment of the norms that the Justice has.


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Author Biography

Sergio Hernán Blogna Tistuzza, University of Buenos Aires

Es Licenciado en Ciencias Políticas y de Gobierno por la Universidad Nacional de Lanús (UNLa), Magíster en Historia por la Universidad Nacional de Tres de Febrero (UNTREF) y Doctor en Ciencias Sociales y Humanas por la Universidad Nacional de Quilmes (UNQ). Actualmente se desempeña como investigador en la Facultad de Ciencias Sociales de la Universidad de Buenos Aires e integra el Observatorio de la Discapacidad de la Universidad Nacional de Quilmes. Su línea de investigación aborda el estudio de la calidad democrática y el accountability horizontal.



How to Cite

Blogna Tistuzza, S. H. (2020). Democratic quality in Argentina. An analysis of how horizontal accountability impacts the lives of people with disabilities. Divulgatio. Academic Postgraduate Profiles, 5(13), 80–100.


