The playlists as spaces for mediation and their concentration in Argentina


  • Nahuel Marcelo Olguin National University of Quilmes



With the consolidation of the internet and the exponential multiplicity of the musical offer, playlists represented a useful tool for users to have a better and more personalized experience within music streaming platforms. However, playlists were also established as new mediation spaces where the different actors of the phonographic industry try to intervene in order to obtain the greatest benefit. Which takes on an even greater significance when one takes into account that the music sector is excessively concentrated.

This framework forces us to think about how playlists are made up, how important they are in the phonographic industry, who their main owners are and what implications a high degree of concentration can generate.


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Author Biography

Nahuel Marcelo Olguin, National University of Quilmes

Es Licenciado en Comunicación Social por la Universidad Nacional de Quilmes (UNQ) y continúa su formación académica en la Maestría en Industrias Culturales: política y gestión (UNQ). Actualmente se desempeña como investigador en el Programa Industrias culturales, medios y políticas de comunicación en la convergencia en Argentina (UNQ). Su línea de investigación aborda el estudio de las lógicas de producción, distribución y consumo de la cultura y los medios de comunicación en internet.



How to Cite

Olguin, N. M. (2020). The playlists as spaces for mediation and their concentration in Argentina. Divulgatio. Academic Postgraduate Profiles, 5(13), 48–63.


