The art and the technological: a reflection from the communication/culture


  • Lía Gómez Universidad Nacional de La Plata
  • Bianca Racioppe



This article reflects on the link between art and technology from a communicational perspective. At first, it problematizes about the relationship of technology with artistic practices understood as part of a historical process which is previous than computer and even photography. We refer to the photography because it is generally considered the first articulation between visual art and technology.

In a second stage, we take two artistic experiences that are constructed from the link between software and hardware. The article problematizes the relationship with the public and the conception of art as a game (Gadamer; 1991). The final reflection brings the political dimension to the complex relationship between art and technology.


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Author Biography

Lía Gómez, Universidad Nacional de La Plata

Es doctora en Comunicación y magíster en Planificación y Gestión de Procesos Comunicacionales por la Facultad de Periodismo y Comunicación Social de la Universidad Nacional de La Plata (UNLP). Licenciada y Profesora en Comunicación Social por la misma Facultad. Actualmente investiga, con una beca de postgraduados de la UNLP, los vínculos entre las tecnologías digitales, las prácticas artísticas y la actitud Copyleft. Es docente de grado y posgrado de la FPyCS-UNLP. Dicta la materia Análisis y crítica de arte mediático en la Universidad Virtual de Quilmes.



How to Cite

Gómez, L., & Racioppe, B. (2016). The art and the technological: a reflection from the communication/culture. Divulgatio. Academic Postgraduate Profiles, 1(01), 161–172.



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