Self-management and mode of production in a socialist key


  • Ingrid Hanon Universidad de Auckland



The objective of this article is to analyze the cuban trajectory in the agricultural sector and the changes that occurred in the agricultural production system during the so- called “Special Period” after the fall of the Soviet Union, with a particular emphasis on the Organopónico Vivero Alamar experience. In this way, it seeks to understand from the agricultural experience of the Cuban Revolution the incompatibility of the mode of production of capital with a socialist strategy, the role of self-management and the importance of the restructuring of the productive forces for the consolidation of a socialist project, destined to the satisfaction of social needs under non-alienated forms of work and in harmony with nature.


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Author Biography

Ingrid Hanon, Universidad de Auckland

Es Magíster en Economía del Desarrollo y en Historia del Desarrollo y del Medio Ambiente por la Universidad de Burdeos (Francia), cuenta con una especialización en Gestión de la Economía Social y Solidaria por la Universidad Nacional de Quilmes (Argentina) y realiza actualmente un Doctorado en Sociología en la Universidad de Auckland (Nueva Zelanda), sobre el pensamiento económico de Karl Mark y la teoría del valor.



How to Cite

Hanon, I. (2020). Self-management and mode of production in a socialist key. Divulgatio. Academic Postgraduate Profiles, 4(12), 107–123.


