Commercial barriers based on environmental requirements and standards. Analysis of the measurement of the carbon footprint and its possible impact on food exports to the European Union


  • Leandro Ruben Martin Universidad Nacional de Quilmes



The article proposes to analyze different trade barriers based on environmental requirements and standards, through which their possible instrumentation can become non-tariff barriers (BNA) that prevent access to the European Union market. For this, the relationship between international trade and the environment is analyzed together with the possible impact of the application of the analyzed environmental prescriptions and where the carbon footprint will be the main actor within the group of these existing provisions.


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Author Biography

Leandro Ruben Martin, Universidad Nacional de Quilmes

Licenciado en Comercio Internacional y en Administración por la Universidad Nacional de Quilmes y Magister en Relaciones Comerciales Internacionales de la Universidad Nacional de Tres de Febrero. En la actualidad, se desempeña como docente de grado y posgrado e investigador de la Universidad Nacional de Quilmes. Es también, Director de la Licenciatura en Comercio Internacional de la Universidad Nacional de Quilmes en su modalidad virtual. Su línea de investigación está orientada en el acceso a los mercados, centrándose en el análisis de la competitividad, la infraestructura y la logística internacional.



How to Cite

Martin, L. R. (2020). Commercial barriers based on environmental requirements and standards. Analysis of the measurement of the carbon footprint and its possible impact on food exports to the European Union. Divulgatio. Academic Postgraduate Profiles, 4(12), 1–23.


