Participatory parity in focus. A critical out line of Nancy Fraser’s bidimensional justice model


  • Cristina Galarza Universidad Nacional de Jujuy



This paper focuses on the concept of participatory parity proposed by Nancy Fraser and tries to be a constructive critique, starting from accepting the potential of the bet on the politicization of civil society and considerthat your proposal can energize the conflicts that arise in current societies. We are interested in showing that participation as equal in social life, as a condition for solving problems of justice, contains a complexity of issues that must be addressed, because the injustices suffered by individuals, whether of redistributive originor of recognition, cannotal ways be resolved through thee fforts of individual subjects. We the refore distance our selves from Fraser’s proposal when he proposes that it is the claimants who have to prove in public processes of democratic deliberation that existing conditions deny them participatory parity. This paper advanceson a set of criticisms of the approach it presents to social justiceclaims.


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Author Biography

Cristina Galarza, Universidad Nacional de Jujuy

Es docente egresada de la Universidad Nacional de Jujuy y adscripta permanente a la cátedra de Filosofía Contemporánea de la carrera Licenciatura en Filosofía de la UNJu. Dirigió durante diez años una Institución Educativa del Nivel Secundario con orientación en Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales. Actualmente es asesora del Departamento de Desarrollo Curricular de la Dirección de Educación Superior del Ministerio de Educación de la Provincia de Jujuy, en articulación con el INFoD (Instituto Nacional de Formación Docente). Es alumna avanzada (con Plan de Tesis aprobado) de la Maestría en Filosofía Social y Política de la Universidad Nacional de Quilmes y doctoranda enFilosofía por la Universidad Nacional de Tucumán.



How to Cite

Galarza, C. (2019). Participatory parity in focus. A critical out line of Nancy Fraser’s bidimensional justice model. Divulgatio. Academic Postgraduate Profiles, 4(10), 199–211.



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