Education and religion in the democratic society


  • Aníbal Tulio Serafini Universidad Nacional de Tres de Febrero



This article intends to analyze the relationship between secular education and religious education in contemporary democratic society, observing the concern proposed by this relationship and providing a position on the possible optional integration of religious education in a democratic educational project, taking into account , in turn, the influence that different interpretations about the role of the state, school authority, pedagogical purpose and freedom bring to this relationship. The thesis to be developed expresses that the possible integration of a religious education into the democratic educational project is not a problem in itself, but generated by a limited interpretation of religious education, which should be considered as a non-comprehensive spiritual education, and by the way in which it is integrated into the democratic educational project. Observing the different conceptions about the aims of education, authority, the role of the State and freedom resignifies the possible role of spiritual education in a democratic educational project by expanding and integrating more human dimensions, defending plurality and law of minorities that make up society.


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Author Biography

Aníbal Tulio Serafini, Universidad Nacional de Tres de Febrero

Es Historiador por la Universidad Nacional de Tres de Febrero (UNTREF). Se encuentra realizando la Maestría en Filosofía por la Universidad Nacional de Quilmes, Argentina. Actualmente desempeña actividades como docente de nivel superior en el Instituto superior Juan Amós Comenio de CABA en espacios curriculares de didáctica de las Ciencias Sociales, Historia y Filosofía. Es docente de nivel medio, de las materias historia y filosofía. Se orienta hacia el análisis histórico moderno y contemporáneo y al análisis filosófico político.



How to Cite

Serafini, A. T. (2019). Education and religion in the democratic society. Divulgatio. Academic Postgraduate Profiles, 4(10), 112–126.


